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Nicholaz wearing Roma Blue Patent

Golf Journeys: Meet Nicholaz Pagelz

Welcome to a new segment of our exciting interview blog series, “Golf Journeys” where we delve into the stories of passionate golfers and their adventures on the greens. Through a captivating 5-questions interview, we aim to celebrate the joy, camaraderie, and inspiration that golf brings to our lives.

In this new interview post, we are thrilled to introduce our second guest – the one and only Nicholaz Pagelz, a professional golfer who left a finance career to pursue his golf dream.

Nicholaz wearing Roma Blue Patent

1- Hi Nicholaz, how were you first introduced to golf?

I was first introduced to golf by my then-best friend and schoolmate. At 9 years old, he and his parents took me with them to play at Rönnebäck Golf Club in the South of Sweden.

I just fell in love with the game from day one.

Then my mother enrolled me to take my license and we’ve played the whole summer for years!

2- We know golfers have their unique rituals and superstitions on the course. Do you have any quirky pre-game routines or lucky charms that you swear by?

Nothing more than 3 tees and a ball marker in the right front pocket, a yardage book in the right back pocket, and a glove in the left back pocket.

3- At Lambda Golf, we celebrate the love for golf and the joy it brings. Can you share a heartwarming golfing story or a funny golfing moment that happened to you on the course? 

This summer,  on the 10th par 4 at my home club, Ullna G&CC, I hit my approach long and left of the pin on an elevated green. Not surprised since I wasn’t playing that well during that round, but as I was walking slowly up the hill I saw my friends already on the green looking around after something and then just started to scream that my ball was in the hole.

They managed to get my reaction on film which was fun.

We have all played bad rounds and wanted to break every club over our knees but just like that, with some luck and the golf Gods on your side all that disappears and your heart just fills with such joy and love for this game!

Nicholaz wearing Livorno White & Brown
The ball from the Eagle in Question 3

4- Every golfer has a “dream” golfing destination. If you could play a round of golf anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why?

Oh, there are so many places I would like to go and play.

But in the Pebble Beach area, you have some of the best courses in the world. 

I mean, a weekend in Pebble Beach, Spyglass, and Cypress Point doesn’t sound too bad to me.

5- What footwear model from Lambda Golf would you choose for that extraordinary experience?

I would definitely rock my white Roma Blue Patent.

Bonus Question: If you could design a dream pair of golf shoes for yourself, what features would they have? Get creative and let your imagination run wild!

I would do a white Roma with cognac ostrich on the toe and heel.

Thank you Nicholaz!

Instagram: @get2thetour

Stay tuned for more captivating interviews with golfers from all walks of life. We can’t wait to share more inspiring stories.

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